Dynamic balancing valves
The dynamic balancing valves maintain a constant flow rate for the fluid that passes through them, even when there is a variation in the difference between upstream and downstream pressure. They are used to automatically balance the hydraulic circuit, guaranteeing the flow rate specified in the project.
Static balancing valves
In the threaded static balancing valves, the flow rate is measured with a Venturi device inside the valve body.
This device guarantees accurate adjustment and easy use during calibration.
Differential pressure control valves
The differential pressure regulators maintain a constant pressure difference, regardless of the flow rate. In this way, they perform a stable, precise, modulating check, reducing the noise level of the control valves and simplifying the balancing and initial start-up operations.
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- Stalno ažuriranje asortimana
- Kvalifikovani tehnički konsalting u preduzeću
- Mogućnost podrške preko mreže Giacomini Professional Service
Ventili za dinamičko balansiranje
Ventili za statičko balansiranje
Regulatori diferencijalnog pritiska
Katalozi i prospekti
Coming soon. We are currently working on documentation related to this topic.
Tehnički fokus
Coming soon. We are currently working on documentation related to this topic.
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