Universal group for boiler

Universal group to manage the heating functions in ceiling or radiant floor systems.
It is the ideal solution where it is necessary to integrate a radiant floor/ceiling systems with high-temperature radiators or fan-coils.
Connection of primary side: 3/4".
Flow rate range primary side: 1÷3 m3/h.
Connection of secondary sides: 3/4".
Circulators of secondary sides: self-modulating circulator 15/6, centre distance 130 mm, complying ErP directive (2009/125/CE).
Thermostatic mixing valve: R462L - range 20÷70 °C.
Flow rate range of secondary sides: 0,5÷1,5 m3/h.
Temperature range: 0÷90 °C.
Max. working pressure: 6 bar.
Šifra | Dimenzija | Pack Single | Pack Multiple |
R586PY024 | 3/4" | 1 | - |
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